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Steve Blu

Male. Is married to Kristy Blu.
Bois d'Arc Lake Fans
2 members Regional Groups
The brand new Bois d'Arc Lake is currently impounding water north of Bonham, Texas in Fannin county. Bois d’Arc Lake is the first new major reservoir in Texas in nearly 30 years. The 16,641-acre lake will be located northeast of the city of Bonham in Fannin County. The lake’s name honors local history and recognizes the Bois d’Arc [pronounced bō-ˌdä(r)k] tree as a distinctive symbol with special significance for the region. Bois d’Arc Lake will meet the water needs and demands for our growing region of 1.8 million people until 2040. Low-interest funding approved by the state will pay for nearly all of the project and save the District and ratepayers millions in financing costs.
Steve Blu
Supercar Dreams
4 members Automotive
Supercars (and Super Yachts) aren't all that practical for most people, but they're a lot of fun and they show what engineering and quality really can be.  These cars and boats will be around for generations to admire and will be passed down or sold off for another owner to enjoy.
Steve Blu
Cylee Sparks
Shawn Lillyfield
Trey brown
Shooting Is A Way Of Life
840 members Sports & Outdoors
Shooting is a way of life for many people.  It's a hobby and sport that trains your mind and soul. US Second Amendment A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.