Debbie Daniel
on August 1, 2021
I know I have said this before but...alot is about to hit us and hit us hard. We ARE AT WAR. Dont forget that. In the month of August, its going to get VERY VERY rough. It starts on or before Aug 10th. Stock up on food as preplanned food shortage are coming. Stock up on any meds you may take. First aid kit. Pet Food. Get plenty of fuel in vehicles, bottle water. Generator for just in case as well. Keep your guns on you at all times. Safe guard your home. Large democrat cities will get the worst of ready. Half of what you will hear..will not be true. Its going to be to SCARE the people. Dont be afraid. PRAY alot, use common sense, dont panic and know..WE WILL WIN! We just gotta get through this next month..maybe two. Military is telling their families to stock up. SO PREPARE. Do not get a flu vaccine or any other vaccine. These are not vaccines. They are BIOWEAPONS! Flu vaccine will be a covid injection. AVOID medical drs if you can. and if you want to make a difference get involved in your town or state. Clean out these swamp creatures. WE THE PEOPLE have the power.
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Debbie Daniel
Aug 10th, Mike Lindell releases election fraud data. Aug 11th, FEMA EBS system being tested. Aug 15th, Elon Musk Starlink satellites will be complete. there is much more..cant remember it all. Remember..this is about the election so false flags and distractions are coming. the new Delta variant is o... View More
August 1, 2021
Robert Swenson
You got it Deb, be safe as always
August 1, 2021